Thursday, December 31, 2009

Night Rose

Let me bloom tonight.
Let me breathe tonight.
Let me dream tonight.
Let me wish tonight.
Let me love tonight.
Let me die tonight.

New year, New try

I try, I try so hard, but I try in vain.
If only I could make everyone around me happy.
Oh, how i wish I could read your minds in order to satisfy you all.
Yes, indeed, I sometimes tend to look away for a bit,
And forget about what is expected of me.
Believe me, it just isn't that easy.
I do hope you can forgive me.
The year isn't starting as I wish it would be,
But let me try again,
hoping that this time,
It won't be in vain.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Enemy

Here she goes, so beautiful and smooth, wearing the most delicate leather.
Every man loves her, but you adore her.
She obtains your full attention, making you forget all about me everytime she comes around.
My jealousy rises more and more each time you mention her. You hug her so tight, before gently letting her go.
She gracefully embraces your right foot, making my heart pound two hundread beats a second.
You two now make one, leaving me to the side, on my own.
Well honey, play, play this game with your beloved one; because all I want is for you to be happy.
I know you'll love her forever more, more than you'll ever love me.
I'm not risking to lose you.
Therefore, it is my sacrifice.
All is left for me to do is unevenly share your love - because i know what she means to you:
your football.


Now isn't he absolutely GORGEOUS? This is my adorable little cousin: Maxime Khaled François, born on the 5th of June 2007. This blog id dedicated to my life, isn't it? Well, here it is... The little man of the family, and one of the deepest joys we've ever endured!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The green leaves of yesterday, are today fallen. Is it simply a natural hazard, or the contagious saddness of the world? None shall know. All is known is that my leaf-shaped heart is preparing to fall a little more, each time you step further. You leave, not a single word said, not a single look given, not even a corner of your sweet lips risen. You keep stepping, walking away, not seeing what you left behind: a guilty soul and mind, dying with regret; and a heart, a bright heart of yesterday, today fallen, shattered, crumpled, gone.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I Was An Angel Whose Wings Got Torn Off As I Saw You, So I Could Reach The Ground And Simply Touch your Perfectly Gorgeous Face. Now That I Did, I Have No Choice But To Remain By Your Side, As I Shall Die The Second I Walk Away From You.